The Medium
The medium game is an action-horror-adventure and psychological video game played in third-person while the athlete's name is Marianne. This game was released for Microsoft Windows and Xbox Series. Marianne is a medium connection between Earth and the second planet where spirits live. Cause she’s a medium so this ability allows her to travel to both of the worlds and explore them both. While on the dark side, she is tortured by a horrific memory which is that she is not connected to anyone in both worlds. This all continued until she got a chance to find out who she really is!
Cheat Codes and Trainer for The Medium
Location Guidance
Photo 1 [Jack]: While you’re in Jack’s room, you’ll see a photo card. Take it and go to the darkroom which is located off the kitchen. Illuminate it for 5 seconds. Then dunk the photo card in each tub for 3 seconds.
Groundskeeper’s Postcards 1 [Niwa Says Hello]: After you’ve done riding to the Niwa gate, before climbing and continuing on, look at the gatehouse room for this.
Groundskeeper’s Postcards 2 [Honest Work]: When you solve the puzzle, step forward to the large Niwa Hotel building and parking lot. It’s in the car and also has a hidden screwdriver in its trunk.
Eerie Drawing 1: Here you’ll find the same car as you get at the last postcard.
Echo 1: Just after you enter the Hotel in the Niwa parking lot, it is at the side of the phone.
Echo 2: Once you enter the hotel utilizing a dumpster, just look to your left. The echo is coming from the back of the shoe which is located beside a couple of suitcases.
Groundskeeper’s Postcards 3 [Promotion]: Past the broken stairs, in the hotel lobby, and to the right. It’s located at the top of the ashtray.
Echo 3: Once you find a key to the second floor of another world’s hotel, go to the room, then in the bathroom, and then into the next room and lock at the right. This is another phone. Note: You have to do this before you drop down through the holes.
Memory Shard 1: So, if you’ve dropped down, utilize insight and activate the book located at the left of the vase. Note: Also know that this is Ursula’s room.
Echo 4: You’ll find in Ursula’s room a bottle of pills in the bathroom.
Mentor’s Diaries [An Apology]: Besides the last echo, it is in the bathroom of Ursula’s room.
Echo 5: Once you enter the next area utilizing the razor, look at the room’s bathroom sink.
Memory Shard 2: Located at the right of the dried Sunflower.
Troubled Man’s Notes 1 [A Peaceful Place]: When you cut through the second skin sheet and burn more moths using Spirit Shield, enter the room located on the left side. This is in the room on the right-hand side, in a box and has another note.
Eerie Drawings 2 [Old Man]: At the Troubled Man’s Note #1’s right side.
Troubled Man’s Notes 2 [To-Do List]: Enter Thomas’s office and look at the desk, after speaking with Sadness.
Troubled Man’s Notes 3 [Getting Stronger]: Look at the back of the room, once you get entrance in Thomas’s secret darkroom. This is located on the floor just above the strange symbols.
Photo 2: While you’re in the darkroom, Find and use in the order: Firstly turn on the red light, then use illumination light, then Multigrade, Stop and Fixer.
Troubled Man’s Notes 4 [Fever Dreams]: Go to the right side area of the door and look behind the pillar before you enter the Dayroom proper. Note: Some lights will guide you through the gate which is located in the opposite direction.
Echo 6: When you get entrance in the area with the pool, look to a barricaded off area located at one of the corners.
Echo 7: Check the barricade next to the last Echo and drop into the pool.
Echo 8: When you enter another room by crawling from a hole located just off the pool, go straight and inspect a pair of shorts.
Groundskeeper’s Postcards 4 [Someday]: This is located at the back corner of the same room where the last echo was, in a box.
Troubled Man’s Notes [Good Old Frank]: Look at some trash along the right side of the upcoming corridor, after continuing up to the stairs.
Echo 9: This is from the toy top where Sadness shows you the way with your Spirit Vision.
Echo 10: This is at the same path you’re led down, back inside the pool.
Echo 11: This is also on the same path as 9 and 10 are. Just off from the pool, backed up in the little bloodied alcove.
Echo 12: Same as the last one, you have to move back in the shower room and if you didn’t move the cart out the way before, then maybe you have to do this now.
Other 1 [Torn Illustration]: When you move forward in the wall through the hole, move left and see inside the locker (also? Creepy). This locker is the same as the cat figurine so easy to recognize.
Echo 13: Go out from the door and enter the Examination Room across the hallway just after Maw breaks a door and leaves. You’ll find echo on the phone on the wall.
Eerie Drawings 3 [Bad Nursie]: Go toward the camera and pick this up before you leave the room. And you reach this location when you cross back at the other world using a mirror.
Groundskeeper’s Postcards 5 [A Scenic View]: When you enter the room off to the Examination Room using a key, move to the left side and see at the room’s corner.
Echo 14: When you see the Maw and ballerina’s signed photo in the room of her manager. I went for the right-hand side person first.
Echoes 15-16-17-18: Once you get in Vivenne’s room, interact with the numbers after you found Page’s missing piece at the bed’s foot.
Eerie Drawings 4 [Dark]: Get into the room which is at the left and move at the back of the room (not at the upstairs). And you have to do this when you’re at the left side of the pair of souls to save.
Echo 19: Once you get back in the real world, see the left side’s wall of the conference room and check the phone.
Echo 20: At the front of the room, look at the desk. This is an ashtray. This is inside the room with the numbered chairs and roll call.
Other 2 [A Quiet Girl]: Once you set free Tori and Nicholas, go to the nearby mirror and see at the desk of the room you’re in.
Echo 21: Once you found the last letter, go to the hole in the wall and utilize your insight on the bloody wheelchair.
Other 3 [Empty Eyes]: See at the table located in the corner after the Wheelchair. Underneath the scalpel of the shelf, there is a note.
Echo 22: Move at the Left side after cutting through into the Dayroom. This is at the horse’s drawing.
Mentor’s Diaries 2 [Throwing Away Greatness]: This is also in the Dayroom, next to the Horse’s drawing.
Mentor’s Diaries 3 [A Well of Inspiration]: Once you enter the Dayroom, move to the right through the skin wall. This is on the same wall as the music’s partial sheet.
Memory Shard 3: At the Dayroom centre on the fourth drip, inspect the bag of fluid.
Mentor’s Diaries 4 [A Very Special Boy]: At the horse’s drawing in the Dayroom, this is at the couch on the same wall.
Mentor’s Diaries 5 [A Method to Madness]: This is from the left side of the Dayroom near the door.
Memory Shard 4: Once you solve the puzzle, this will be found with the piano in the room.
Echo 23: When you get entrance into the Teacher's room, there’s a table at the centre of the room and a pen is placed on it. All you have to do is to use insight on this pen’s case.
Mentor’s Diaries 6 [Growing Apart]: This is in the Teacher’s room at the music’s final scrap’s right side.
Memory Shard 5: Where the last echo and mentor’s diaries are, the pair of glasses is also there at the right of them.
Mentor’s Diaries 7 [A New Home]: Once you use the shield on the moths, move toward the large room and then to the right and after that stick to the right side. You’ll find this at the room’s end.
Memory Shard 6: Check the canvas located on the left side of the same room where you find the final mentor’s Diaries documents.
Memory Shard 7: From the last memory, follow the spirit trail to the same room. This is a doll.
Memory Shard 8: It is also at the same location as the last two were but it's a red bow.
Groundskeeper’s Postcards 6 [Won’t Stop]: You’ll get the ability to move toward the left at an intersection when you get back in control of outside and Marianne. You’ll find this one sitting on the bench.
Echo 24: This is at the last postcard’s left side, on the phone.
Groundskeeper’s Postcards 7 [Poor Thing]: This one is at the right side of the telescope and “Reclaiming History”.
Groundskeepers’ Postcards 8 [Harder and Harder]: When you find a fork in the road, turn at the landscape trailside. You’ll see a bench and this one is on it.
Groundskeepers’ Postcards 9 [Whispers in the Dark]: Once you got the task of following the dog, instead of following the dog, move toward the right side where the Vistula river is. You’ll find this on the bench located on the left side. Also note: don’t check the tent.
Groundskeepers' Postcards 10 [A New Companion]: Before you check the tent, look at the direction of south/down from it. It’s on the bench.
Groundskeepers’ Postcards 11 [regrets]: It is in the tent. Near Francis' body.
Photos 3 [Staff Photo]: It is in the tent. Near Francis' body.
Echo 25: On the swing, when you’ve done speaking with Sadness, head forward and keep going until you hit the fence. Then you’ll see a tire nearby. Go ahead and check it.
Echo 26: Just to the left side of the last echo, it’s on the pack of smokes.
Echo 27: On the swing, when you’ve done speaking with Sadness, move toward the shake in the right direction (which is ahead of the Red House). On a bench inside, it’s on a horse.
Echo 28: Keep on going to the next room and check toward your screen’s area. This is in the trash and is a tape recorder.
Troubled Man’s Notes 6 [Something Broken]: It is located at the right side of the last echo.
Echo 29: This one is also in the same spot as the note. On the suitcase utilize your insight.
Memory Shard 9: At the Red house’s left side, inspect a gas can.
Memory Shard 10: At Red house’s front side.
Troubled Man’s Notes 7 [Demons]: It is between two of the family portraits, in the Red house’s side room.
Echo 30: Once you get entrance in Red house’s Basement, you have to find a teddy bear somewhere near the back wall.
Echo 31: This is the syringe at the teddy bear’s right side.
Troubled Man’s Notes 8 [A Different Kind of Sadness]: It is in the Red house’s basement, at the right side of the last echo.
Echo 32: In the Red house’s basement’s first room, There’s a shoe towards the front of your screen.
Troubled Man’s Notes 9 [The Missing Piece]: This one is on the left side of the piece of furniture. All you have to do is to keep going toward the screen from the last echo.
Troubled Man’s Notes 10 [Found a Way]: This is in a cellar in the room off to the right of the last note. It also requires the security door code. Note: Code for Security door is 1966.
Troubled Man’s Notes 11 [Separation]: Once you run away from Maw, check the work area in reality split of your screen. At the room’s backside.
Troubled Man’s Notes 12 [A Relic of the Past]: Check the console, located on the left side, in the pump control room.
Troubled Man’s Notes 13 [A Thin Line]: Once you utilize electricity to escape from Maw, you should head down a corridor and have to check the room’s backside located at the left.
Troubled Man’s Notes 14 [Just Me and Her]: This is in the room or kitchen to the right-hand side.
Troubled Man’s Notes 15 [Keeping Distance]: This is after the bathroom, the living area’s right side.
Troubled Man’s Notes 16 [Business Card]: This is also in the same room as the last one was.
Troubled Man’s Notes 17 [Alone]: This one is in Lily’s room, on the butterfly table.
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