Serious Sam 4 complete list of Cheat Codes for PC

Serious Sam 4 PC cheats

Serious Sam 4 PC Cheats Codes

This game is played by a first-person player as a shooter. It is 4th part of the Serious Sam series and is available on PlayStation 4, Google Stadia, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS. There are some cheats for Serious Sam 4. Hope they will help you.

How to enable PC Cheats in Serious Sam 4

You can simply enable cheats when you get into the game and type the codes in the CONSOLE. You can get access to console simply by pressing TILDE KEY (~) which is below the ESC Key and is situated at the top-left of the Keyboard or you can just press the F1 Key. Once you get into the console menu, you can type these 2 codes.

If you want to begin cheating, you can type: cht_bEnableCheats=1, and if you want to get access to developer cheats you can type: cht_bEnableCheats=3.

Once you complete the above procedure, you can get into the menu by pressing F3 Key while the screen is paused.

List of PC Cheats Codes for Serious Sam 4

To enable cheats                                    cht_bEnableCheats=1 

To disable cheats                                    cht_bEnableCheats=0 

For auto-aim enabling                                 cht_bAutoAim

For God mode enabling                               cht_bGod

For no clip                                                      cht_bGhost 

To get more speed                                             cht_bTurbo

To enable flying mode                                            cht_bFly

To get Infinite Ammo                                                        cht_bInfiniteAmmo 

For getting all weapons with Max Ammo                        cht_bGiveAll 

To getting full ammo for some specific weapon                   chtGiveAmmo() 

For Health                                                                      cht_slGiveHealth 

Getting a skill point                                                  cht_slGiveSkillPoints 

For resetting unlocked skills                                  cht_slResetSkills 

To starting a new game                                        chtClearGameProgress() 

To start the specific mission                                     chtJumpToChapter() 

To start the first mission                                          chtJumpToFirstChapter() 

To start the next mission                                         chtJumpToNextChapter() 

Getting a specific weapon                                       chtGiveWeapon()

For starting next level                                             chtJumpToNextLevel()

For giving you a set amount of armor                         ch_slGiveArmor 

For invisibility enabling                                  cht_bInvisible   

For killing all enemies                                      cht_bKillAll 

For the killing boss enemy                                 cht_bKillBoss 

To go through plasma walls                              cht_bPassThroughPlasmaWalls 

Enabling mental mode                                       cht_bUnlockMentalMode 

For getting infinite stamina                                 cht_bInfiniteStamina 
