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Resident Evil 3 Remake PC Cheats |
Each Cheat costs points. You gain points from completing the Records (Pause Menu – Records). These involve doing a certain number of kills with different weapons, finding items, beating the game on higher difficulties and miscellaneous tasks. Points can be farmed by reloading the last save game. They are saved on your profile save across all save games.
Resident Evil 3 Remake Cheat List
Cheat #1 – [Costume] Jill – S.T.A.R.S. Gear – 2000PJill’s S.T.A.R.S. gear, as she wore during the Mansion Incident.
Cheat #2 – [Item] Recovery Coin – 4000P
Gradually regenerate health when held. Carry two to increase the effect (can buy 2 for 8000P).
Cheat #3 – [Item] Iron Defense Coin – 4000P
Greatly increases your defense when held. Carry two to increase the effect (can buy 2 for 8000P).
Cheat #4 – [Item] Assault Coin – 4000P
Greatly increases your attack power when held. Carry two to increase the effect (can buy 2 for 8000P).
Cheat #5 – [Item] Crafting Companion – 4000P
While held, increases the amount of ammo gained when crafting.
Cheat #6 – [Item] S.T.A.R.S. Field Combat Manual – 6400P
A manual of compiled S.T.A.R.S. close-range combat knowledge. Edited by Chris Redfield. While held, physical feats such as Perfect Dodge become easier to perform.
Cheat #7 – [Item] Lock Pick – 2800P
A specialized tool which allows a skilled user to unlock simple locks when no key is available.
Cheat #8 – [Item] Bolt Cutters – 2800P
A tool for cutting chains, cables, and the like.
Cheat #9 – [Item] Hip Pouch – 4800P
A small belted pouch, good for carrying more items. Will be placed in the game when purchased. Will not be available in Assisted mode, as this would exceed the maximum inventory capacity (can buy 2 for 9600P)
Cheat #10 – [Weapon] Hot Dogger – 7200P
As its name implies, this Umbrella-developed anti-bioweapon knife is used by those who like to show off. The blade can be superheated, causing the target to burst into flames.
Cheat #11 – [Weapon] Samurai Edge – 5600P
15-shot capacity 9mm handgun. It’s been customized according to Jill’s personal specifications. Excellent across the board, with exceptional accuracy and firepower.
Cheat #12 – [Weapon] RAI-DEN – 12,000P
An energy weapon developed by Umbrella based on airborne electrical phenomena. It possesses great stopping power, but only when target enemy weak points.
Cheat #13 – [Weapon] Infinite MUP Handgun – 8,000P
A very well balanced 16-shot 9mm handgun. Its pinpoint accuracy has led to its adoption by countless militaries.
Cheat #14 – [Weapon] Infinite CQBR Assault Rifle – 28,400P
A 5.56x45mm assault rifle optimized by U.B.C.S. for this operation. Its short length affords great mobility, even in urban settings.
Cheat #15 – [Weapon] Infinite Rocket Launcher – 62,400P
A recoilless rocket launcher that fires 84mm projectiles. The piercing power of the rocket causes more damage than the explosion.
How to access the Classic Costume Pack DLC in Resident Evil 3 Remake?
After claiming your Classic Costume Pack code in the store of your gaming platform of choice, make sure you download the Classic Costume Pack onto your gaming system before starting Resident Evil 3 Remake itself. That way you’re sure it’s been installed and upon startup of the game you’ll receive a message saying: “Obtained a special costume. You can change costumes from the Costume menu.” Next, simply change your character outfit in the in-game pause menu, by pausing the game and then selecting “Story” followed by “Costume”.Resident Evil 3 Remake – How To Access Your Original Set / Classic Costume Pre-Order DLC Guide
Infinite Ammo Cheat CodesHow to unlock infinite ammo cheat codes in Resident Evil 3 Remake?
Complete the game’s story campaign once. Upon playing the game a second time (and beyond), you’ll be able to earn Points by completing chapters, boss fights and other challenges. — If you earn enough Points*, you can either buy infinite ammo weapons or items you can hold to upgrade your character abilities.
All cheats you can unlock by buying them; sorted by price from low to high:
- Jill’s S.T.A.R.S. Outfit — Costume Price: 2.000 Points — Unlocks: A new costume will be available for Jill in the Costumes menu.
- Recovery Coin — Item Price: 4.000 Points — Unlocks: Gradually regenerate health when held. Carry two to increase the effect.
- Recovery Coin #2 — Item Price: 4.000 Points — Unlocks: Gradually regenerate health when held. Carry two to increase the effect.
- Iron Defense Coin — Item Price: 4.000 Points — Unlocks: Greatly increases your defense when held. Carry two to increase the effect.
- Iron Defense Coin #2 — Item Price: 4.000 Points — Unlocks: Greatly increases your defense when held. Carry two to increase the effect.
- Assault Coin — Item Price: 4.000 Points — Unlocks: Greatly increases your attack power when held. Carry two to increase the effect.
- Assault Coin #2 — Item Price: 4.000 Points — Unlocks: Greatly increases your attack power when held. Carry two to increase the effect.
- Crafting Companion — Item Price: 4.000 Points — Unlocks: While held, increases the amount of ammo gained when crafting.
- S.T.A.R.S. Field Combat Manual — Item Price: 6.400 Points — Unlocks: While held, physical feats such as Perfect Dodge become easier to perform.
- Lock Pick — Item Price: 2.800 Points — Unlocks: A specialized tool which allows a skilled user to unlock simple locks when no key is available.
- Bolt Cutters — Item Price: 2.800 Points — Unlocks: A tool for cutting chains, cables and the like.
- Hip Pouch — Item Price: 4.800 Points — Unlocks: A small belted pouch, good for carrying more items. Will be placed in the game when purchased (Note: Unavailable in Assisted Mode).
- Hip Pouch #2 — Item Price: 4.800 Points — Unlocks: A small belted pouch, good for carrying more items. Will be placed in the game when purchased (Note: Unavailable in Assisted Mode).
- HOT DOGGER — Weapon Price: 7.200 Points — Unlocks: A knife that can cause zombies to burst into flames.
- Samurai Edge — Weapon Price: 5.600 Points — Unlocks: Jill’s custom pistol.
- RAI-DEN — Weapon Price: 12.000 Points — Unlocks: An electrical weapon.
- Infinite MUP Handgun — Weapon Price: 8.000 Points — Unlocks: Infinite ammo pistol.
- Infinite CQBR Assault Rifle — Weapon Price: 28.400 Points — Unlocks: Infinite ammo assault rifle.
- Infinite Rocket Launcher — Weapon Price: 62.400 Points — Unlocks: Infinite ammo rocket launcher.
After completing the game, after you buy any of the unlockable weapons, then you have to start a new game and you’ll receive the weapon in-game when you open up a chest.
* How to farm kills for Points on a new game to get the Infinite Rocket Launcher in one hour:
If you save just before the Carlos hospital fight (preferably on Assisted Mode), you can farm assault rifle and handgun kills easily. Once you beat that location, it is very easy to farm grenade launcher and magnum (and shotgun) kills at the fuse part. Just have a save set up that has the bridge raised for the fuse where the two container doors blow off and that’s an easy 7 kills with the magnum every 40 seconds.
Note: Farm kills for two hours to unlock / buy all coins, pouches and the RAI-DEN.
Safe Codes
Resident Evil 3 Remake has a handful of lockers, briefcases and safes waiting to be opened. Instead of checking every single room, follow this visual guide to more easily find them all along with the codes required to open them.
Resident Evil 3 Remake – How To Unlock Every Safe & Lock Locations Guide
Kite Bros. Railway Subway Control Panel Combination: RE:01, FA:02, RA:03, SA:02, FO:01. (From top to bottom.)- Building Safe Code #1: (as of patch 1.03) 9 left, 3 right, 7 left (outside the Donut Shop, and the code is on the Pharmacy poster) — Note: Before patch 1.03 the safe code was: 9 left, 1 right, 8 left.
- R.P.D. Station Safe Code #2: 9 left, 15 right, 7 left.
- Hospital Safe Code #3: 9 right, 3 left.
- Showers Padlock Code #1: CAP.
- Corridor Padlock Code #2: DCM.
- Vaccine Combination: MID, HIGH, LOW. (From left to right.)
Resident Evil 3 Remake Collectibles List
This guide will show you all the Charlie Doll Bobbleheads, Files, Locks and Safes, Weapons and Weapon Upgrade Parts and finally Inventory Upgrade hip pouches. There are 116 not including key items that are part of the story.So while there are 144 collectibles in total: 56 Files, 20 Charlie Dolls, 20 Locks / Lockers / Strongboxes / Pickable Locks, 6 Inventory Upgrades, 25 Key Items, 4 collectable Weapons. This guide ignores key, story related items that you get anyway and that have no impact on the collectibles you want the most (that are shown below).
Finding all Resident Evil 3 Collectibles unlocks the following trophies / achievements:
- Hello, Charlie! (Destroy a Charlie Doll)
- Goodbye, Charlie! (Destroy all Charlie dolls)
- Bookworm trophy (Read all story files)
- RE: Master of Unlocking trophy (Unlock all safes, lockers, strongboxes, and pickable locks)
- Kendo’s Armory (Collect all weapons in the campaign)
- Gunsmith trophy (Improve a weapon)
- Get Organized trophy (Expand your inventory)
- Tip: All Collectibles are missable, but they count across multiple playthroughs. If you miss an item you only need to find that one in the next playthrough.
That’s all of the purchasable cheats available in Resident Evil 3 Remake on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Enjoy!
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